Job Search

How many opportunities have you missed for landing your dream job? How much your current résumé or cover letter is costing you in terms of getting interviews? Are you not reaching your career potential? Are employers keep skipping your application? 

A résumé, cover letter, and professional branding may be costing you a great deal already.

Save time and money. Reduce risk. Learn how to market your work, deal with uncertainty, and change your mindset.


How does our Job Search Empowerment Plan work?

Planning Stage

Creation Stage

Review Stage

  1. Schedule a call.
  2. Design a plan with me.
  3. Agree on deadline.
  1. You share a draft or fill out a questionnaire.
  2. I create an amazing résumé, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile for the target job.
  3. You receive the first draft.
  1. We meet to discuss the draft.
  2. I incorporate suggestions or missing information into the document.
  3. You receive the last draft.



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Cover Letter
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LinkedIn Optimization
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Coaching and Mentoring Sessions
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